Authors: P. Lokesh1, S. Sivasankara Narayani2

Article Received: 22/01/2022
Received: 25/04/2022
Accepted: 12/05/2022


Context:The phage is a simple, extremely diverse, non-living biological entity consisting of DNA or RNA fenced within a protein capsid. As naturally occurring bacterial parasites, the phage is incapable of replicating independently and is ultimately dependent on a bacterial host for survival. Phage characteristically binds to specific receptors on the bac-terial cell surface, inject their genetic material into the host cell, and then either integrate this material into the bac-terial genome which is called “temperate” phages and those reproduce vertically from mother to daughter cell, or hijack the bacterial replication machinery to produce the next generation of phage progeny and lyse the cell is called as “lytic” phages. Upon reaching a perilous mass of phage progeny, which can be anywhere from a few to over 1000 viral particles, depending on ecological factors, the lytic proteins become active and hydrolyze the pepti-doglycan cell wall, releasing novel phage to reinitiate the lytic cycle. Both antibiotics and phage function as an anti-bacterial that disrupts bacterial colonies through lysis or inhibition, so far, several key variances make each antibac-terial more or less fitting depending on the situation. Adversative reactions to antibiotics include occurrences of anaphylaxis, nephrotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, and neurotoxicity, as well as several gastrointestinal and hematological complications. Antibiotics, and phages tend to be specific to both species and strains. phages and phage-derived proteins for combating bacterial infections, specifically those of multidrug-resistant bacteria. The spread of antibiotic resistance genes carries a unique danger in that many antibiotics have diminishing efficacy against common infections. So, it’s better to treat with the help of phages.

Keywords:Phage; Multidrug resistance; Pathogens; Antibiotics; Bacteria


Bacteriophages are one of the most proficient substi-tutes for antibiotics against bacterial infections [1]. Phag-es are existing in every environment where bacteria ex-ist, and there is at least one type of phage, more than one in most cases, to infect every strain of bacteria [2]. Before the development of antibiotics, bacteriophages were the choice of treatment against bacterial infections such as diarrhoea [3]. But soon after the starter of antibi-otics, the use of bacteriophages in therapy was almost abandoned. [4]. The misuse and mismanagement of anti-biotics led to the progress of antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is one of the most troublesome healthcare prob-lems. In the post-antibiotic era, it becomes obligatory to combat antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections using alternate therapies as antimicrobial compounds are inef-fective. Phage therapy receives renewed curiosity among phage researchers, and vital and practical studies on bacteriophages increased intensely, newly also to-gether with clinical trials [3]. The investigation of bacte-riophages for clinical or biotechnological purposes add-ed increasing attention after the 2000s, pparticularly the isolation of virulent bacteriophages for the treatment of bacterial infections, and the research of phage banks for personalized phage delivery [4]. However, bacteriophag-es and their proteins have a crowd of applications in different fields, for clinical use, therapeutic phages are required to be characterized in much detail. Virulent phages undergo a lytic cycle that differs from that of the temperate phage which by a lysogenic cycle. During this cycle, the phage genome integrates into the host genome, which can present a benefit to the host as some prophages encourage host behaviour or virulence by encoding virulence factors such as poisons or antimicro-bic resistance genes. [5,6,7]. Phages suitable for therapeu-tic purposes are usually lytic, where the produced phage progeny is released by lysis (the devastation of the bac-terial cell envelope) after their replication inside the host bacterium [8]. With this specific quality, virulent phages can be used to slaughter the pathogenic bacteria present inside the human system, and more often phages are specific to specific bacteria. This review mainly empha-sizes the phages in medicine for the treatment of bacte-rial diseases.

Antibiotic Resistance and Phage Therapy

Antibiotic resistance amid the pathogenic bacteria has made a universal emergency, instigating the quest for an alternate cure.

Bacteriophages were discovered over a century ago and are evidenced to be an effective alternative at the time of antibiotic medication catastrophe [9]. According to WHO’s (2020) report the percentage of resistance to ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that is used to treat urinary tract infections, diverse from 8.4 per cent to 92.9 per cent for Escherichia coli and from 4.1percentage to 79.4 percentage for Klebsiella pneumoniae in countries reporting to the global antimicrobial resistance and use surveillance system, in some countries, carbapenem antibiotics does not work in more than half of the pa-tients administered for K. pneumoniae infections due to resistance and the resistance to fluoroquinolone antibi-otics in E. coli, which is used for the treatment of uri-nary tract infections, is widespread. There are several countries in many parts of the world where this treat-ment is now unsuccessful for more than half of the pa-tients. Colistin is the only last choice treatment for le-thal infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Entero-bacteriaceae which are E. coli, Klebsiella. Bacteria tolerant to colistin have also been detected in some countries and regions, triggering infections for which there is no active antibiotic treatment at present. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is a chunk of our skin flora and is also a communal cause of infections both in the public and in healthcare facilities. People with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections are 64% more likely to die than persons with drug-sensitive infections. Phage therapy practices are active-ly taking place in various Eastern European countries with effort work in Georgia and Poland being the most conversed. Several efforts have been made to investi-gate records of their development, testing, and applica-tions; though, it is not vibrant what section of the appli-cable info is reachable due to soviet-era practices, mili-tary concerns, and language fences. phages into magis-tral provisions for human use has been legalized since 2018 [10]. Thus, it’s the correct time to switch to Phages which appear to be better therapeutic agents as they have numerous advantages over traditional antibiotics [11,12,13]..

Table.1 Recent advances of phage therapy in human medicine

Phage Infection Administration
PP1450, PP1777, and PP1792 P.aeruginosa prosthesis knee infection Local Injection 14
Pyophages and intesti phages Enterococcus faecalis infected total hip arthroplasty Oral suspension 15
PM448 Recalcitrant Staphylococcus epidermidis prosthetic knee infection Intra-articular 16
Pyophage cocktail (Georgian pharmaceutical product regis-tration number R-022600) Urinary tract infections in patients undergoing tran-surethral resection of the prostate Intravesical 17
Cocktail of phages Chronic nonhealing wounds s due to infection by AMR Escherichia coli (37.5%) followed by Pseudomonas ae-ruginosa (31.2%) and Staphylococcus aureus (31.2%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (12.5%), Proteus species (6.2%), Citrobacter freundii (4.1%), Morganella morganii (2.1%), and Acinetobacter baumannii (2.1%) Topical application 18
Three lytic phages of cocktail APC 1.1, JWDelta, JWT. Pandrug-Resistant Achromobacter xylosoxidans Nebulization 19
Coli A11/58c, Kl 53N/1920, EF1/1679L, Ps1N/734, Coli 77/850 Chronic urinary and urogenital MDR bacterial infection caused by E.coli, K.variicola, K.pneumoniae, P.aeruginosa Intravesical and in-travaginal 20
KpJH46Φ2 phage Limb-threatening prosthetic knee Klebsiella pneumoni-ae infection Intravenous 21
Ab_SZ3 with z tigecycline and polymyxin Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Lung Infection Nebulization 22
AbW4878ø1, sulfamethoxa-zole/trimethoprim and tigecy-cline MDR Acinetobacter baumannii respiratory infection Intravenous and neb-ulized bacteriophage 23 therapy
Phage M1 along with mero-penem and colistin, followed by ceftazidime/avibactam. Fracture-related pan drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoni-ae infection after long-term (>700 days) Catheter administra-tion 24

The above research in Table 1 was carried out on hu-mans. P.aeruginosa prosthesis knee infection was treat-ed with PP1450, PP1777, and PP1792 phages where the patient got cured [14]. Pyophages and intestine phages were used against the Enterococcus faecalis infected total hip arthroplasty where the patient also got cured [15].

The patient who had also been ill with debilitating plas-tic anemia for more than 2 years, was recovering after receiving adjuvant bacteriophage therapy (PM448 phage), and also the recalcitrant Staphylococcus epider-midis prosthetic knee Infection was also cured [16]. Pyophage cocktail (Georgian pharmaceutical product registration number R-022600) was used against the urinary tract infections in patients undergoing tran-surethral resection of the prostate which resulted in the normalization of urine culture, measured by a quantita-tive microbiological urine test [17]. Cocktail of phages isolated from the hospital sewage, river Ganga, ponds, and sewer of the municipal corporation against chronic nonhealing wounds s due to infection by AMR Esche-richia coli (37.5%) followed by Pseudomonas aerugino-sa (31.2%) and Staphylococcus aureus (31.2%), while Klebsiella pneumoniae (12.5%), Proteus species (6.2%), Citrobacter freundii (4.1%), Morganella mor-ganii (2.1%), and Acinetobacter baumannii (2.1%) where a total of 5 to 7 applications were made till the wound became free from infecting bacteria. The success rate of therapy was found to be 81.2% was obtained, of which 90.5% (19 out of 21) patients were nondiabetic and 74.1% (20 out of 27) diabetic patients. The wounds diseased with Klebsiella pneumoniae had relatively de-layed healing [18]. Three lytic phages of cocktail APC 1.1, JWDelta, and JWT against the pan drug-resistant Achromobacter xylosoxidans due to the cocktail of phages treatment, the bacteria became favourable both susceptible to the applied phage cocktails [19]. Coli A11/58c, Kl 53N/1920, EF1/1679L, Ps1N/734, Coli 77/850 phage against the chronic urinary and urogenital MDR bacterial infection caused by E.coli, K.variicola, K.pneumoniae, P.aeruginosa there was a significant reduction in the bacterial load was observed [20]. A trend in the biofilm biomass reduction was distinguished after 22 hours of exposure to KpJH46Φ2 in the limb-threatening prosthetic knee Klebsiella pneumoni-ae infection [21]. Ab_SZ3 with z tigecycline and poly-myxin treatment led to clearance of the carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii lung Infection in the patient [22]. After treatment of AbW4878ø1 phage along with sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and tigecycline for a total of 35 days the health of the patient became good and discharged [23]. Phage M1 along with meropenem and colistin, followed by ceftazidime/avibactam was highly effective against the patient’s K. pneumoni-ae strain in vitro, in 7-day mature biofilms and suspen-sion [24].

Recent advances of phage therapy in veterinary medicine

Phages have also been effectively used for veteri-nary applications either to direct address infectious dis-eases in animals or for satisfying facts when about hu-man clinical trials [25]. It is too significant to reveal that animal phage therapy trials do not have a similar degree of strict obstacles as human trials and are plausible to put a key pattern for phage therapy in the clinical set-ting. The earliest use of phages in veterinary medicine was conducted by D‟Herelle in 1919, who showed their efficacy in averting and treating fowl typhoid (S. galli-narum) in six experimentally disease-ridden chickens [26].

Table 2. Recent advances of phage therapy in rats

acteriophage Infection Mode
A. baumannii phage Dermal infection of MDR A. bau-mannii in diabetic rats Topical application 27
PaAH2ΦP, PaBAP5Φ2, and PaΦ13 MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa infecting lungs Intraperitoneal injection 28
ZCKP8 Phage MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae in-fected rat wound Topical application 29
Bacteriophages Klebsiella pneumoniae XDR strain Oral gavage 30
phage 2003, 2002, 3A, and phage K Pneumonia due to MRSA Nebulization, Intravenous Phages 31

The above research in table 2 was carried out on the rats. A mischief of rats was infected with MDR A. baumannii and dared with bacteriophages. There was a substantial fall in disease, the phase of colonization, and injury shrinkage were noted in the phage dared group when related to the antibiotic-treated unre-strained diabetic rats also the control group. Swabs which were procured on day 2 exposed Gram-negative bacilli with more grade four neutrophils and MDR A. baumannii. The reduction in the inflammatory cells was detected on day four and six where the phages were administered after 48 hours, the bacterial load amplified on day 4, and got reduced on day six. On day 8 no bacteria were detected. Consequent swabs also did not disclose the existence of any bacteria or inflammatory cells, and no growth for MDR A. bau-mannii[27]. Phages PaAH2ΦP, PaBAP5Φ2, and PaΦ13 provided a significant survival benefit over the sub-efficacious dose of meropenem [28]. ZCKP8 phage exhibited the high therapeutic efficacy in vivo on the rat as it can treat full-thickness wounds disease-ridden with a K. pneumoniae clinical isolate, which was re-sistant to the multiple antibiotics [29]. Continued phage therapy for 28 days against Klebsiella pneumoni-ae XDR strain was found to be safe concerning animal haematology histopathology, body weight, feed in-take, and behavioural parameters biochemistry [30]. The phage cocktail of equal 4 genetically unique phages called 2003, 2002, 3A, and phage K enhanced the animal survival and reduced MRSA burdens in tissues [31].

Table 3. Recent advances in phage therapy in mouse

acteriophage Infection Mode
Kp_Pokalde_002 Carbapenem Resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae Oral and intraperitoneal 32
phiEF7H, phiEF14H1 and phiEF19G Enterococcus faecalis - Endophthal-mitis Intra vitreously 33
Lytic bacteriophages The post-burn infections are caused by an opportunistic pathogen; Pseudomo-nas aeruginosa Topical formulation 34
Bacteriophage Cocktail Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi-murium Burden Oral gavage 35
Phage vB_PaeS-PAJD - 1 Murine mastitis by MDR Pseudomo-nas aeruginosa Intramammary 36
Virulent bacteriophage vB PaeP-SaPL Multi drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA-1 Intra peritoneal 37
Bacteriophage Wild-type Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Oral gavage 38
Pharr (P1), and ϕKpNIH-2 MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 Intraperitoneally 39
TCUCAP1 Phages MDR Cutibacterium infection Intradermal injection 40
S. aureus phage SaGU1 and S. epider-midis SE-4. Atopic dermatitis with the suppressor of phage-resistant mutants Applying topically 41
Bacteriophage strain KPP10 Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused Pneumonia and Sepsis Inhalation 42
Lytic Phage SHWT1 MDR Salmonella Oral administration 43
B_PaeP_PA01EW Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing Pneumonia in Eight-week-old BALB/c mice Intratracheal 44

The Kp_Pokalde_002 phage against carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae there was a substantial drop of bacterial load (3-7 log10 CFU/ ml) in the blood and lung was observed in the treatment group [32]. phiEF7H, phiEF14H1 and phiEF19G phages lysed broad-range E. faecalis, including strains derived from endophthalmitis and mice got cured [33]. Lytic bacteri-ophages extracted from hospital sewage were collected from the third pond of sewage in Ghanem Hospital of Mashhad city and filtered by a membrane filter where the prepared ointment effectively prevented and treat the post-burn infections with no allergic reactions caused by an opportunistic pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa which became complex due to its innate and attained resistance in mice [34]. They did not alter the intestinal microbiota of healthy mice and reduced mi-crobiota perturbations induced by Salmonella [35]. The Phage vB_PaeS-PAJD – 1 protected the mice from mastitis infection by MDR P. aeruginosa [36]. Virulent bacteriophage vB PaeP-SaPL on 24 h post-inoculation single dose of a treated group the Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA-1 showed survival of 100 % (27 out of 27 mice) [37]. One purified phage filtrate which was obtained among the sewage samples with an average plaque size of 0.816 mm treatment demonstrat-ed was more efficient against the test antibiotic ciprof-loxacin as it selectively eradicated the Wild-type Sal-monella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection [38].

The cocktail of phage Pharr (P1), a 40.6-kb podophage, and ϕKpNIH-2 (P2), a 49.4-kb Sipho phage, proved the extreme increase in survival against MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 [39]. The mice inoculated with MDR Cutibacterium infection developed the inflammatory nodules After TCUCAP1 phage injection, the nodule size reduced which also decreased the manifestation of inflammatory marker IL-1β and apoptotic marker caspase-3 days [40]. S. aureus phage SaGU1 and S. epi-dermidis SE-4 possessed a sufficient efficacy against atopic dermatitis and that with the combinational use of probiotics and phages was effective in the treatment of S. aureus-associated atopic dermatitis [41]. Bacterio-phage strain KPP10 had a protective effect against pneumonia caused by P. aeruginosa D4. Furthermore, the administration of phage at delayed time points of post infections and the survival rate in pneumonic mice got well improved [42]. Lytic Phage SHWT1 tolerated the pH and the temperatures and was able to effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and biofilm caused by prevalent Salmonella serovars. Furthermore, phage SHWT1 exhibited lytic activity against the intracellu-lar Salmonella also [43]. vB_PaeP_PA01EW effectively lysed the Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing pneumonia in eight-week-old BALB/c mice with a large surge of release after a short incubation time [44].

Table 4. Recent advances in phage therapy in other veterinary

acteriophage Infection Host Mode
Cocktail of phage PP1450, PP1777, PP1902, PP1792 & PP179 Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa during mechanical venti-lation Piglets Mesh nebulizer 45
Phage XC31 Yellow spot disease conchocelis (Vibrio mediterranei 117-T6) Pyropia hai-tanensis Application topi-cally 46
(Φ 16-izsam) and 39 (Φ 7-izsam) Colonization of Campylobacter jejuni Broiler Chick-ens. Oral gavage 47
20 vB_AsM_ZHF phages Virulent Aeromonas salm-onicida subsp. masoucida Scophthalmus maximus Intraperitoneal injection 48
B_EcoM_SYGD1, vB_EcoP_SYGE1, and vB_EcoM_SYGMH1 Mastitis by AMR Escherichia coli Cow Intramammary injected 49
Cocktail of three Staphylococcus phages fPfSau02, fPfSau03, and fPf-Sau04 MRSA Healthy carrier pigs Nares and skin 50
IME-AB2 phage Wound infections Pigskin model Applied topically
KpG phage with streptomycin K. pneumoniae Zebrafish Injected 52
vB_ZEFP MDR Enterococcus faecalis Infection Ex Vivo Human Root Canal 53
Cocktail of phages Escherichia phag-es EP1 and EP2 and also with cefo-taxime Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Galleria mellonella Injection 54

Cocktail of phage PP1450, PP1777, PP1902, PP1792 & PP179 is used to treat Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa during mechanical ventilation the piglet got cured [45]. Phage XC31The survival was 83%, exhibited higher photosynthetic ability and robust antioxidant capaci-ty of Pyropia haitanensis to cope with the Yellow spot dis-ease conchocelis (Vibrio mediterranei 117-T6) [46]. (Φ 16-izsam) and 39 (Φ 7-izsam) phage reduced Campylobac-ter counts [47]. After the Injection of the 20vB_AsM_ZHF phage, they abridged the 24 mortalities in turbot challenged by A.salmonicida subsp. Masoucida [48]. Three phages B_EcoM_SYGD1, vB_EcoP_SYGE1, and vB_EcoM_SYGMH1 showed promised effect as antimi-crobial agents especially when used as the cocktail to sig-nificantly reduce the number of bacteria, somatic cells, and inflammatory aspects lower the signs of mastitis by AMR Escherichia coli and accomplishes a similar effect as anti-biotic treatment [49]. Cocktail of three Staphylococcus phag-es fPfSau02, fPfSau03, and fPfSau04 against MRSA There was no reduction in the MRSA levels in the sampled healthy carrier pigs [50]. The IME-AB2 phage reduced 90% bacterial count was achieved after the 4-hour treatment in the pigskin model [51]. K. pneumoniae infected Zebrafish were treated with phages alone was found to be 77.7% and also the combination of streptomycin showed a substantial 97.2% decline in CFU/ml [52]. vB_ZEFP phage is evidenced to be effective when used in a mixture with hypochlorite allowing for the use of dual therapies the phage has poten-tial for effectiveness in the prevention of infection after root canal treatments [53]. The Single dose of EP1 cleared the Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection while anoth-er phage EP2 was unable to eliminate the bacterial patho-gen in Galleria mellonella. A phage cocktail consisting of EP1 together with EP2 protected the larvae from bacterial infection with a 100% larval survival rate. The phage-antibiotic synergy, a combination of phage with cefotaxime was done where there observed a 100% survival rate within 72 hrs., while there was no significant survival was ob-served in the control group [54].

Table 5. Comparison of bacteriophages and antibiotics

acteriophage Antibiotics
Phages are bactericidal which extremely are efficient in killing their targeted bacteria Several antibiotics are bacteriostatic which inhib-it the growth of bacteria, instead of killing them (e.g., chloramphenicol)55
Production is easy and economical Manufacturing is complicated and costly.
Phages are an ‘intelligent’ drug. They augment at the infec-tion site up until there are no further bacteria after that they are excreted out. They are absorbed and thrown out from the body and they do not concentrate at the site of infec-tion.
The pharmacokinetics of bacteriophage therapy is such that the primary dose increases exponentially if the sensitive bacterial host is available. In such cases, there is no need to direct the phages repeatedly. Repetitive doses of antibiotics are required to treat bacterial disease
The high specificity of bacteriophages permits the targeting of specific pathogens, without affecting advantageous bac-terial flora. Antibiotics reveal bactericidal or bacteriostatic effects not only on the cause of bacterial disease but also the microorganisms present in the body including the host normal microflora which lead to the patient's microbial imbalance and may lead to several side effects.
Because of phages specificity, their use is not likely to se-lect for phage resistance in other (non-target) bacterial spe-cies The broad-spectrum action of antibiotics may lead to resistant mutants of many pathogenic bac-terial species.
Humans are exposed to phages all over life, and be able to bear them. No serious side effects have been described Various side effects, including allergies, bowel ailments, and secondary infections (yeast infec-tions) have been described.
Phage-resistant bacteria remain vulnerable to other phages having an alike host range. Endurance to antibiotics is not restricted to tar-geted bacteria
Phages are found all over nature. This means that it is trou-ble-free to find new phages when bacteria become unaf-fected by them. Choosing a new phage (e.g., against phage-resistant bacteria) is a fast process and often can be accom-plished in days. Developing a new antibiotic against AMR bacte-ria is a long process and may take some years to achieve.
Phages may be counted as a good alternate for patients allergic to antibiotics. If the patient is averse to an antibiotic, curing the disease is very difficult


On examining the isolated bacteriophage's behaviour and molecular studies in vitro, they can be used for the in vivo studies using some animal models and submission of the data to the regulatory bodies with proper approval they can be intended for human use. We can use a cocktail of phage, phage coupled with antibiotics, phage coupled with probiotic mi-crobes, or phage with other inhibitory components so that the bacteria won’t get resistant to bacteriophage. If bacteriophages were handled improperly, they may lead to phage-resistant bacteria. Thus, on proper ex-amination bacteriophage can be intended to treat bac-terial diseases which are a good alternative to antibiot-ics in day today’s life.


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How to cite this article?

P Lokesh, Narayani S. Phage as medicine for bacterial diseases. Int J Bacteriophage Res 2022:2:1-8.