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About International Journal of Bacteriophage Research.

International journal of Bacteriophage Research is a journal of Society of Bacteriophage Research and Therapy.

International Journal of Bacteriophage Research is a peer reviewed journal, with world renowned scientists on the advisory board. Journal is published annually in the month of January. The types of article accepted include original articles, review articles, Brief articles, case reports, and letters to the editor regarding the research on biology of bacteriophage, kinetics study, in-vitro and in-vivo experiments, molecular and immunological studies on bacteriophages, genetic engineering of phages, mathematic modelling of bacteriophage research, policies and regulatory issues in bacteriophage reserch in the field of medicine, veterinary applications, agriculture, aquaculture, animal production, food safety, and food production.

All the scientific articles should be sent to the Editor by Email: editorintjbr@gmail.com or through online submission.